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Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-27 17:20:42
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
@kilovar Thank you.. I did search through the 9 pages but nothing jumped out at me - my appoligies and appreciate the reply.. and succesfully updated to and running smoothly so far!...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-27 07:43:53
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
First time attempting an upgrade - going from 5.12.7 to The new deb package will be in my home directory To upgrade do we simply: sudo apt install new package name DOT deb or sudo dpkg...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-09 00:14:53
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
Got it sorted.. Had to delete all the files under /opt/tplink/EAPController/data/db/ Then reinstalled the deb file and went through the CLI wizard again. Once that was done, I then had to re-do the...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-08 22:52:02
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
Thanks.. Thinking it's something to do with my DNS server also being on the localhost I'm running the controller on, or a port forwarding issue thru the firewall (all Omada/Jetstream). I can click...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-02-08 06:09:20
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
@kilovar has anyone managed to bind their rPi controller to their TP Link account? When I try I get a "general error"