Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5

Update - 16 January 2024
Instructions below updated to most current Raspberry Pi OS, installed and tested on Raspberry Pi 5, with Omada SDN Controller v5.12.7. Confirmed that OpenJDK-17 work, which is installable through apt and for which the install instructions have been updated.
Update - 26 December 2023
Instructions below updated to most current Raspberry Pi OS, installed and tested on Raspberry Pi 5, with Omada SDN Controller v5.12.7. Note that the JAVA runtime installation instructions has been updated to OpenJDK-11.
Update - 3 June 2023
The links listed below for OpenJDK-8 no longer works. Omada SDN Controller will run on OpenJDK-11, but that requires JSVC 1.1.0 which is not in the official Raspberry Pi OS repos. It is possible to solve the dependecies to install JSVC 1.1.0, but I have not had time to update the instructions
Also see this FAQ with good info about installing the Omada SDN Controller on a number of Linux distros.
Update - 22 January 2023
Bare metal install on 64 bit Raspberry Pi OS - no Ubuntu server, no Docker. Tested with version 4 and now the latest version 5.7.4 of the Controller software. I have it running on a Model 3B+ with 1G RAM. Also running on Model 4 w/ 4G RAM.
Links have been updated and verified on most recent install
1. Download & install latest 64 bit LITE version of Raspberry pi OS to new sd card of your choice from the link below. Note - the legacy version of Raspberry Pi OS will not work
This is not a guide to installing Raspberry Pi OS so I won't provide detailed instructions on that.
2. Download and install version 4.4.18 of MongoDB mongodb-server from
sudo apt install /home/<username>/mongodb-org-server_4.4.18_arm64.deb
Note this post explaining that MongoDB V4.4.19 will not work.
3. Mongodb server would normally be run as a service by doing the following commands
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable mongod
sudo systemctl start mongod
In this case not required, as Omada controller starts the server as required.
4. Check that curl is installed
apt list curl
5. Download and install openjdk-17-jre
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
6. Install jsvc
sudo apt install jsvc
7. If you have multiple versions of OpenJDK installed then you need to tell system which java to use
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Selection Path Priority Status
0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64/bin/java 1111 auto mode
1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64/bin/java 1111 manual mode
* 2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-arm64/jre/bin/java 1081 manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
Now select the option pointing to the version of OpenJDK you want to use.
8. Download and install latest version Omada SDN controller
sudo apt install /home/<username>/Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.12.7_Linux_x64.deb
If all went well the controller should start and you should get the following message
Install Omada Controller succeeded!
Omada Controller will start up with system boot. You can also control it by [/usr/bin/tpeap].
check omada
Starting Omada Controller. Please wait.........................................................................................................................
Started successfully.
You can visit http://localhost:8088 on this host to manage the wireless network.
Now you can access the web interface of the Omada Controller by pointing you web browser from any PC on the same network to
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Thank you for posting this.
Maybe one day it will be possible and perhaps even supported by TP.
For now I decided to uninstall the controller, hard reset my router (to make it forget the controller), and reconfigure it using only the browser interface.
It actually worked. If my memory suits me I made a route to my backup 5G router and set the route to my fiber router to take priority.
The logging and management of the controller is not there.
I did consider buying another router - but now it works (sort of) ....
:-) Freddy
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heh, well, whatever works. I'm actually toying with the idea of doing a setup from scratch on the raspberry pi and seeing how it behaves. Can't migrate but perhaps moving forward I'd be ok. Of course, that's just a LOT of work to reset switches and AP and then rebind them with the new controller, set up all the reservations and NAT forwarding and all of that.
perhaps I'll just use my RPi 4 ;)
carry on and good luck!
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@kilovar Just a heads up with the new version of the Omada Software Controller, I was able to use that at the end versus 5.12. See command below:
sudo dpkg --ignore-depends=jsvc -i omada_v5.13.23_linux_x64_20231228194020_1705040408024.deb
This all worked great to install on my new Raspberry pi 5 I had setup. I initially tried docker which I thought was not working, albeit that I think was because I was trying to go to port 8043 directly which was not right. I had to go to 8088. Anyway, uninstalled the docker version, used these instructions, and was in business!
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@kilovar Salut j'ai d'installer cette version sur mint cinnamon ou sur Raspberry pi 3B+ Os raspbian et je me retrouve toujours bloquer soit par ce que les parquet son corronpue ou je n'est pas les droit superutilsateur et meme avec ca ne fonction il met impossible de l'installer.
pouvez vous m'aide
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@Philneo This guide is for Raspberry Pi OS specifically. Working knowledge of Debian based install procedures is a requirement. The ability to get superuser (or sudo) access is another requirement, and is outside the scope of this guide. The guide has been tested and works on Raspberry Pi3B+. It sounds like the missing part is basic debian linux knowledge.
Philneo wrote
@kilovar Salut j'ai d'installer cette version sur mint cinnamon ou sur Raspberry pi 3B+ Os raspbian et je me retrouve toujours bloquer soit par ce que les parquet son corronpue ou je n'est pas les droit superutilsateur et meme avec ca ne fonction il met impossible de l'installer.
pouvez vous m'aide
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has anyone managed to bind their rPi controller to their TP Link account? When I try I get a "general error"
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Thanks.. Thinking it's something to do with my DNS server also being on the localhost I'm running the controller on, or a port forwarding issue thru the firewall (all Omada/Jetstream). I can click 'check for updates' for the controller and it works, confirms I'm on the latest version, so I'm a bit stumped at the moment but still working on it.
Thanks for the replies..
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Got it sorted..
Had to delete all the files under /opt/tplink/EAPController/data/db/
Then reinstalled the deb file and went through the CLI wizard again. Once that was done, I then had to re-do the webgui but skip all the set up stuff and head straight to the Cloud Access and bind the controller. Worked first time.
Then I had to re-adopt all my devices etc (if I was thinking I could have just exported the setup before deleting all those files... )
FYI for anyone in the future.
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