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Forums/ Routers
an hour ago
Re:tplink er605 with nordvpn split tunneling or other suggestion
@michealmyers When you configure VPN client on your ER605 you define the local network that will utilize that VPN: Standalone Mode: Controller Mode: So one of your VLANs you are providing there. In...
Forums/ Routers
16 hours ago
Re:tplink er605 with nordvpn split tunneling or other suggestion
@michealmyers Hi, Split tunneling option is used to something else and configured on VPN Server. Since you want to connect to NordVPN's server, you wont have this option available. If you want to...
Forums/ Routers
Re:ER706W freezes
Hi, Just wanted to sum it up since the ticket has been created in official TP-Link support: I have this problem on both ER706W - in Main and SIte location, where two different ISPs are providing...
Forums/ Routers
Re:Logging of Blocked Websites
@US007 Hi, I know it's not much, the ony thing I've found (from this year) regarding similar issue for more logs of ACLs is:...
Forums/ Routers
Re:ER706W freezes
@Clive_A Hi, Thank you for your help. I use simple RJ45 connection on WAN2. Replug of the cable is next to be tested whenever the problem reoccurs.
Forums/ Routers
Re:ER706W freezes
@Clive_A Hi, The router is connected to the controller via Internet, not via VPN. I can manually disconnect S2S VPN on the device and it still reports to controller. Moreover, when the problem...