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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
4 minutes ago
Re:Add local DNS to ER707-M2 and ER8411
look! i've done it
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
8 minutes ago
Add and supply documentation for Local DNS on ER707-m2
Please add local DNS support to ER707-M2 and provide Documentation on how to configure it via Omada Controller User-Story: I have around 200 Network-Devices in my Home-Lab local Lan and i want to use...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
20 minutes ago
Re:Add local DNS to ER707-M2 and ER8411
@Clive_A look, i am not angry or something. if it is available in ER8411 now, is this a sign, it will come for the ER707-m2 too? if this is a different beast and should be adressed in a separate...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
Re:Add local DNS to ER707-M2 and ER8411
So the recommended solution is to buy the ER8411? Or is this just for the 8411 the recommended solution and ER707-M2 Customers need to wait? I dont get why filling the DHCP list of current leases...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
Re:Add local DNS to ER707-M2 and ER8411
@digitalFounders i did not know, that this was missing and simply assumed that all the named given to clients in the dhcp would autoatically be resolved - boy was i shocked to find that that feature...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-16 16:10:10
Camera randomly switches ip adress
In my Omada-Controller i gave the HCP entry The Cam stil switches over to by itself 1-2 times a week. A restart fixes that. but why?