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Forums/ Switches
2024-05-19 20:21:02
Re:Operation Fail. This command can't work in controller mode
TL;DR I'm closing this ticket as I figured out the workaround. I used KiTTY (like PUTTY, but stays connected ... or reconnects faster). I was able to interrupt the boot, and perform a factory reset...
Forums/ Switches
2024-05-19 17:36:04
Re:Operation Fail. This command can't work in controller mode
@Clive_A My controller is on the latest firmware (1.29.4 Build 20240304 Rel.54362). It doesn't revert the port back to 1g (see attached picture). I have since told my controller to "forget" the...
Forums/ Switches
2024-05-19 11:06:56
Operation Fail. This command can't work in controller mode
I manually set the first port to 1g speed for it to be seen on the network and for the controller to provision it. However, after provisioning, it reset the device back to 10G speed and now says...