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Forums/ Accessories
3 weeks ago
Re:TL-POE150S does not show a detection signal
@NasCraftsman After manually modification of the ethernet cable i got: A detection voltage of : 3.8V A classification voltage of: 7.8V ( what in my opinion is not correct ) A supply power of 48V But...
Forums/ Accessories
3 weeks ago
Re:TL-POE150S does not show a detection signal
After some testings i see that the signals your PoE device is using are the 1/2 and the 3/6 ... so it is a Mode A device, not Mode B. Do you have any device that operates in Mode B ( pins 4/5 and...
Forums/ Accessories
3 weeks ago
TL-POE150S does not show a detection signal
Hi there, I am testing your TL-POE150S with one of my devices, but the power line of my device is allways 0V. I took a look with the oscyloscope at the voltage between the pins 7/8 and 5/4 of the...