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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-26 11:51:55
Re:Other VPN server
@MR.S Thank you so much, in fact it was cosmic nonsense, i was scared thinking of creating some complications. Running time= 2 minutes (changed port and IP class)... ahhaha Thank you
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-26 11:17:18
Re:Other VPN server
@MR.S Thanks for the very quick response, yes this was my idea.. so could it be achieved "peacefully"? VPN --> Create New Vpn Policy --> Purpose "Client-to-Site VPN" - VPN type "openvpn" - Service...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-26 09:35:29
Other VPN server
Hello everyone, on our ER8411 v1.0 router we have configured an SSL VPN with Radius authentication which works very well and allows us to manage user access from the outside. Question, before I...
Forums/ Accessories
2024-07-25 10:10:00
Re:SFP rj45 operating temperatures
@Clive_A I thank you for the answer, as I described to you... the possible degradation of the line does not depend on overheating because I bypassed the sfp and connected the switches directly to the...
Forums/ Accessories
2024-07-24 08:41:50
SFP rj45 operating temperatures
Hi everyone, we have recently switched to a TPLINK OMADA network infrastructure, with an ER8411 v1.0, a pair of SX3016F v1.20 for distribution, various SG3428XMP and SG3452XP. Where possible we have...