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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Re:Gateway port shut down
@Clive_A The connection to the router is still active via the CBC the WAN does not go down. Other LAN ports are still active. I would disable it via the CBC. If its not supported and you confirm this...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Re:Gateway port shut down
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Re:Gateway port shut down
@Clive_A Then if its not supported isnt that the idea of this forum to request the feature?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Re:Gateway port shut down
@Clive_A The LAN port is still active and continuous DHCP requests are still made. Traffic still goes over the LAN port. I manage these via the CBC and can see traffic still flowing. Only requirement...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
a week ago
Gateway port shut down
Ablity to shut down/disable one of the LAN ports would be a great benefit, another good use of this would be when you have found there is a loop back you can disable this port preventing the CPU on...