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Forums/ Deco
2019-10-03 08:19:53
Re:Re:Deco M9 Plus firmware release with similar features like M5 1.3.1
@BarryTreeg I tried it via the default gateway IP address. Here is an instruction how to find your routers default gateway address...
Forums/ Deco
2019-10-01 09:28:25
Re:Deco m9 wifi channel
@Richdem68 @Kevin_Z Such a feature should be available asap. My home installation is very complex, around 8 sonos speakers, cameras, bluetooth sensors, etc. A function to fix the channel is definitly...
Forums/ Deco
2019-10-01 09:24:18
Re:Re:Deco M9 Plus firmware release with similar features like M5 1.3.1
@Kevin_Z I have installed the 1.3.0 beta you menthoned. So far, here are my results: I have installed the 1.3.0 beta you menthoned. Here are my results, so far: 1. Webinterface very slow, sometimes...
Forums/ Deco
2019-09-30 08:55:53
Re:Adding M3W to P7 network
@Kevin_Z The M3W with firmware 1.0.4 Build 20190714 is not offering the funcionally to show what clients are assigned to the extender in the Deco App. Is this feature planned?
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2019-08-28 18:16:08
Re:DoH (DNS over HTTPS) support for Deco
@Kevin_Z Is it possible to add this to the "consider to implement list"? As I think this would be a great feature to improve users security.
Forums/ General Discussion
2019-08-21 10:41:48
Improve quality of the Community, especially regarding spam posts
There are a lot of spam posts popping up in this Community. Maybe a more secure login process (Captcha or Two-factor authentication) would improve theh situation.