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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-23 17:10:03
Re:Conflicting DHCP when Deco in AP mode ?
@Kevin_Z Give it a rest Kevin. It's been a problem since 2019, and it is still not fully or consistently removed from your release firmware across the Deco devices. Here you are, still asking for...
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-14 13:10:56
Re:Conflicting DHCP when Deco in AP mode ?
@Purclewan This is also a problem—no formal mention of this dumb feature in the primary product documentation. Save yourself time and energy, return it to Amazon and go with something else.
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-03 22:49:14
Re:Conflicting DHCP when Deco in AP mode ?
@vmonkey I think that's trying too hard to explain their design choice. If their target market won't choose AP mode then it makes even less sense that those folks who explicitly chose AP mode are...
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-03 07:14:05
Re:Conflicting DHCP when Deco in AP mode ?
@David-TP And you're still blindly defending this position after 4 years. People TODAY are still having their networks disrupted through a simple but dangerous design decision. If you can state today...
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-02 14:45:44
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Conflicting DHCP when Deco in AP mode ?
@Primumparum Your challenge is that tp-link first got complaints about this in 2019. We're 4 years in and they STILL think this feature adds value. The ability to disable it is only on some devices...
Forums/ Switches
2023-06-28 11:54:49
Re:Upgrade to 5.9.31 - devices keep being provisioned, fail, then my network is down.
@Virgo I power cycled the lot when I had physical access and it worked. It's happened once since then but luckily I was home to do the same thing. Sadly no idea what the cause was.