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Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 20:10:32
Re:Omada controller does not update existing client hostnames when DNS names change
Yeah, I'm hoping for an EAP firmware update soon.
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 20:09:15
Re:Controlling my Access Point remotely
Hi @PeterJohn03, I should add, once the AP is configured, you don't have to keep Omada running. The AP/Wifi will work fine without it. BUT, the following capabilities will not be available if Omada...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 20:05:13
Re:Omada Controller can't find EAPs on same subnet
Hi @c0ss3tt3, Which EAP245 is that? V1? Do a factory reset and manually upgrade the firmware through the web ui of the AP first. It might be old enough to not be supported by the current version o...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 20:03:31
Re:Multiple CPE210 clients on single master EAP110
Hi @mgmamac, The better option would be to use pairs of CPE's per point to point link. Think of each pair of CPE's as a long wire from point to point. You might be able to get away with one CPE per...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 19:53:13
Re:Controlling my Access Point remotely
Hi @PeterJohn03, What country are you in? The OC-200 is readily available from Amazon in the USA -- it's currently $115.70. I don't think it is region specific -- as it is USB / PoE powered. Or you...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-06-12 19:47:08
Hi @BITSNBYTES, Is this a wareheouse? Or similar one big room? Or do you have separate offices? How many simultaneous users are you expecting? 6 AP's in 4000 sq feet seems like a lot -- unless the...