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Forums/ Controllers
7 hours ago
Re:5.14.x - Controller will randomly not start due to Unsatisfied dependency / Circular Reference
If there is anyone that is truly stuck and couldn't roll back or wants to use the beta, there is now an updated beta version (it's beta so like TP-Link says, use it at your own risk) of the...
Forums/ Controllers
7 hours ago
Omada SDN Controller - Packaging Inconsistencies
As someone who is needing to rely on automation for deploying the Omada SDN controller on Linux using the tarballs, I often run into packaging inconsistencies that require me to put all sort of...
Forums/ Controllers
Re:5.14.x - beta & GA Controller will randomly not start due to Unsatisfied dependency
@_Moogwai_ - check out my instructions in this thread over on the GitHub issue: https://github.com/mbentley/docker-omada-controller/issues/418#issuecomment-2223732459
Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Re:5.14.x - Controller will randomly not start due to Unsatisfied dependency / Circular Reference
@cmulk I will say that I have two identical VMs in my 6 machines I am testing on and it's one of the two identical VMs running on the exact same ESXi host where I see the problem so I am not sure if...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:5.14.x - beta & GA Controller will randomly not start due to Unsatisfied dependency
I am just curious - is there anyone who has mentioned having the same issue who is running the controller directly on the operating system instead of using the container image? I would try to do a...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:Beta controller will randomly not start due to Unsatisfied dependency - multiple users reported
@Hank21 - someone else reporting that the release also will randomly have the same problem: https://github.com/mbentley/docker-omada-controller/issues/441#issue-2400650196