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Forums/ Routers
By nosliw 2024-02-05 20:36:58

Block sending files via Whatsapp

Is it possible to block sending files via Whatsapp on the Er605 router Thanks
Forums/ Routers
By nosliw 2023-04-11 18:17:40

Vpn Dynamic IP

HI. I have 2 companies connected via VPN-IPSEC to the Matrix I have 2 internet links one "Fixed IP" and the other "IP PPop", they work very well when accessing the Windows folders in the Subsidiary th
Forums/ Routers
By nosliw 2023-02-08 17:53:44

Perda de conexao com o IPsec

I have 2 Wans, one fixed ip and the other dynamic ip, the fixed ip link is connecting 2 subnets (Matrix and Branch) when I connect the dynamic ip wan the ipsec is unstable. Please I ask for help
Forums/ Switches
By nosliw 2020-10-10 17:28:19

Bloquear google driver - Https

Alguem consegue me ajudar para bloquear o "Google Driver " e sites HTTPS. com Filtro Web ou de outra forma? Obs: já fiz de acordo com o Manual e não funciona. Alguem sabe se tem que fazer algo mais? O