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Forums/ Routers
By mAYH3M 2021-06-08 14:47:19

LACP between Router and Switch

Anyway to get LAG (LACP) working between ER7206 (Port 4 & Port 5) <> TL-SG2008P (Port 7 & Port 8). I was able to setup a static LAG but can't get LACP working in standalone mode(Active or Passive).
Forums/ Switches
By mAYH3M 2021-06-01 03:19:56

[VLAN Routing] Unable to use my Aerohive AP250 when connected to switch!

Hi, I have my TL-SG2008P v1.0 (fw 1.0.1) connected to a ISP provided modem. (Gateway/Modem) > 192168.0.11 (Switch) > 2x AP250 (Aerohive AP's) & unRaid Server on Ports 1-7. I can use my AP'