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Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2021-12-13 12:23:51

Apache Log4j Vulnerability in Omada Controller - Updated on May 18, 2022 [Case Closed]

Hi All, TP-Link is aware of the vulnerability in Apache Log4j used in Omada Controller (CVE-2021-44228: Apache Log4j2 <=2.14.1 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters do not
Forums/ Routers
By darpamonkey 2021-10-16 06:35:15

TL-SG2428P v1 not initializing after reboot

My TL-SG2428P v1 wouldn't come back up after a routine reboot of device from the OC-200 Controller. Did a manual power unplug & then it stays with the PWR Led lit, does a full light up of all port LED