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Forums/ Controllers
By RF_Dude 2023-05-07 13:12:45

Wired vs Wireless Traffic graphs Discrepancy

Trying to understand the usage/traffic statistics, as it doesn't seem the various numbers add up. All data consumption is wireless thru 7 access points (EAP225-outdoor, EAP245). There is no possibilit
Forums/ Controllers
By RF_Dude 2023-04-30 12:42:33

Device (AP) Disconnects are not logged

Despite Notifications in Omada being checked for Event and Alert under Device Connected and Device Disconnected, Omada never shows any Disconnected status! Only get CONNECTED status events. Omada LOG
Forums/ Controllers
By Hank21 2023-04-21 08:00:52

Omada SDN Controller GUI Feedback - [Closed on May 29th, 2023]

This is a post to get feedback from all community members. Writing down the suggestions of Omada SDN Controller GUI with: Page display (text, icons, overall presentation, etc.) Configuration interacti
Forums/ WiFi
By RF_Dude 2023-04-11 02:52:11

WiFi Deaf in Large Lot Urban Neighborhood

I put an EAP610 Outdoor 30' off the ground on an unused TV tower to provide coverage around the house and down the street. Neighborhood has 0.5 to 0.75 Acre lots, so not dense urban. EAP Rogue IP list
Forums/ WiFi
By Johnely 2022-11-21 15:59:41

what poe switch can i used for eap series outdoor aps

i have multiple eap110, eap225 and eap610 all outdoor version. what tplink poe sitch can i used with 16 ports poe.
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By new8n 2022-12-26 08:52:54

CPE 220: Covering 13km radius with point to point wifi

I am planning to host an array of CPE 220 on a pole like structure, they will beam 360 degree (13km long range radius). I wonder how many CPEs required on the tower to cover 360 degree? reference thre