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Forums/ WiFi
By Torsten23 2022-11-19 08:54:57

EAP225-Outdoor(EU) AC 1200 v3.0

Hello, EAP225 V3 Firmwareversion: 5.0.8 Build 20220613 Rel. 51936 Controller OC200: 5.6.4 successfully integrated an EAP225-Outdoor(EU) v3.0 into my OmadaSystem. However, I noticed that it only co
Forums/ WiFi
By Torsten23 2022-11-16 13:46:49

WPA authentication timeout/failure !!!

hi For some time I have had the above error messages with my WiFi networks. Even deleting and creating a new one brings no improvement. Sorry my english is not so good, thanks to google translator
Forums/ WiFi
By Torsten23 2022-11-16 09:26:10

WPA-Authentifizierungszeitüberschreitung/ Fehlschlag !!!!

Hi, Controller-Version: 5.6.4 Modell: OC200 2.0 Firmwareversion: 2.6.1 Build 20220921 Rel.35903 seit einiger Zeit habe ich die o.g. Fehlermeldungen bei meinen Wlan Netzwerken. Selbst das löschen und N