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Forums/ Routers
By Raytsh 2023-07-10 08:06:00

ER605 frequently disconnects from OC200 after upgrading to firmware 2.2.0

Hi, My ER605 disconnects from OC200 controller frequently(every couple of hours) after upgrading to the latest 2.2.0 firmware. However, the internet is still functioning in this case even OC200 contro
Forums/ Routers
By titocarnale 2022-05-17 18:00:53

ER605 suddenly disconnect from omada controller but still working

I maked a setup for a office clients, it is start to run 25 day ago, once a week I check the network status remotly to see how everithing it is working. For my sorprise, I saw the ER605 disconnected.
Forums/ Controllers
By Neeke85 2023-02-01 10:15:40

How connected with LDAP Server in Omada Controller

Hey, Sorry for my english, i use google translate. How to access LDAP in omada controller. My configuration attempts are unsuccessful. I get the message: "Directory search failed. Please check your LD