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Forums/ Switches
By Tailwind Friday

How to Confirm that Switch is running Latest Firmware after Accidentally Installing an Old Version

I accidentally rolled-back firmware in our new switch to an old version because I misinterpreted the hardware version numbers. I eventually found and installed the correct version, at least I think i
Forums/ Switches
By Clive_A 2024-06-11 08:16:28

Omada Switch Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Jun 11th, 2024)

This Article Applies to Model Hardware Version Firmware Version Firmware Date Rel Number TL-SL2428P V5 5.0.8 20240531 65965 TL-SL2428P V4 4.20.11 20240531 65965 TL-SG3428 V1 1.1.10 20240531 65965 TL-S