a week ago
Force DoH for all client
I wanted to force in router-level DOH support for the entire local network, but unfortunately without success. Previous actions: 1. Launching the DoH service on a router with two addresses (cloudflare
2024-09-20 11:45:17
Remote access and open ports
Hello, I have a tplink er706w router with the latest software version available for this device. In the remote access tab, I have not defined remote access to the configuration panel, but after enteri
2024-05-23 15:00:03
Is client dhcp on router er706w support option 121?
Does the ER706W router's operating system support option 121 on the DHCP client? The idea is that if the router receives an address on WAM from DHCP, will it be able to support this option? I would li
2024-01-13 15:02:26
Device in VLANs can see configuration panel
Hello, I have configured two vlans with id 1 and 2 on the er706w router. Computers are connected to vlan1, vlan2 is WiFi. I added a rule that blocks communication between VLAN networks and Wifi device