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Forums/ Routers
By mbedv 2024-02-06 07:09:50

very disappointed with TP Link

To be honest, I am disappointed with the TP-Link company. I bought an OC300 and an ER8411 and then actually wanted to buy Accespoints but I'd rather not do that. This business router is completely con
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By mbedv 2024-02-04 10:29:04

WAN Overview

Hello, I would like to see in the dashboard that my 3 Wans are online and I would also like to see the associated external IP addresses. Is that feasible? Many Thanks! Regards Michael from Germany
Forums/ Controllers
By mbedv 2024-02-04 08:25:17

Controller overview

Hello, Is it possible to display the WAN IP addresses in the dashboard? Thanks! Regards Michael
Forums/ Routers
By mbedv 2024-02-03 14:37:48

Policy Routing

Hello, Hardware OC300 + ER8411. I have two WAN 1 + 2 and only have one LAN area and would simply like to always route the area to over a WAN 1(Policy Routing). Is this poss
Forums/ Routers
By mbedv 2024-02-03 11:17:07

OC300 ER8411 IP Mac Binding

I have an ER8411 and an OC300 and I export the IP Mac Binding csv file, but when importing the same file I get an error. Routers and controllers have the latest firmware.
Forums/ Routers
By Zentris 2023-11-18 20:16:16

TP-ER605: Export Adressreservation failed

The export of the address-reservation data in Network => LAN => Address Reservation => Export Button failed. The exported csv file contains only a header line and a example line. See here: Network Nam