2020-06-11 07:17:37
Trouble Accessing my LAN with my R600VPN Using L2tp over IP Sec.
I have a simple problem that is becoming impossible for me to figure out on my own. Here is my issue. I have 5 static IP address and I use one of them for my VPN connection. My R600VPN router I am usi
2020-06-10 12:23:12
/31 IP Subnet on TL-ER5120
Hi, has anyone worked out how to use a /31 IP address on these routers? I have a /31 1 ip for my router and 1 ip for the gateway. on /31 there is no broadcast or network address but it seems the 5120
2020-05-14 02:50:31
I'm trying to track down where to purchase a rackmount kit for TL-SG1024
I've been trying to see if there are specifications out there that it would match to existing rackmount kits found on Amazon but there is no verification on the model number and there doesn't seem to
Wi-Fi Routers
2020-05-08 12:38:42
WIFI Router + Voucher Access
Hi, I am planning to purchase high-end router such as AX6000 (or C5400 whichever is stable now) - it has good hardware for my micro-enterprise use. However, I have been looking for solutions such as a
2020-05-12 18:36:40
Re VPN Router
We have users log in remotely using mostly the L2TP/IPSEC with preshare key with a few left using PPtp. Periodically we are getting an error when connecting pplink control protocal was terminated. Doe
2020-05-07 18:23:33
470T+ v4 port forwarding 1723 not working
TPLINK 470T+ V4 Firmware Version:1.1.0 Build 20150526 Rel.71817s Hardware Version:TL-R470T+ v4.0 I am trying to forward port 1723 to an internal server. which is not working. many other ports like 338