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Forums/ Range Extenders
By Alastair432 2020-03-27 13:13:37

RE 200 wont connect to internet.

Hi I wandered if anyone could help. I'm trying to install my RE 200 which goes fine using the app till the end as when I try to connect to my extended network it says that the internet isn't available
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Wendyb 2020-03-30 22:13:19

firmware upgrade

Hello , i am trying to upgrade my firmware which I downloaded from support. I live in Canada.My version of router is v2 and that is the version I downloaded. Archer c7 (ca) V2 180305. Ho
Forums/ Deco
By Proterra 2020-03-30 19:49:40

Connecting Tapo camera to Deco

Can I link this camera into a Deco mesh system please
Forums/ Deco
By Python 2020-03-30 07:57:57

1.4.4 Firmware EU V2.2

HI I have got 1.4.4 on my UK v2 but it doesnt appear to be available on my EU 2.2 Deco M5 Any idea when it will be available? I am currently running two versions of the firmware in my network Chris
Forums/ Deco
By Jerwij 2020-03-30 06:11:32

Strange WiFi speed problem

Hello All, Last week a bought an M4 deco set(3 unit) to upgrade my WiFi. 2 of the 3 unit are connected wired, on is connected wireless. The 2 wired unit connect with the rouiter from the provider. The
Forums/ Deco
By mysth 2020-03-30 06:06:08


Deco m9を二台設置しました。 Wi-Fi接続はできるようになりましたが、スマホ、パソコンなどそれぞれの機器がどちらのDecoに接続されているのかわかる方法はないのでしょうか。 またそれぞれのDecoをケーブル接続しようと考えています。 電波の届く範囲なので無線でも接続できてしまいますが、ケーブルで接続されているかを確認できる方法はありますか。