No wifi signal

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No wifi signal

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No wifi signal
No wifi signal
2021-07-10 12:56:41
Model: CPE210  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: V2

Hello Sir/Ma'am,


Good day!


I am having trouble setting up my CPE. I was able to configure the CPE before an manage to use it. Now, I would like to change the SSID of the CPE and that is when I encountered the issue.


I can't seem to connect to Pharos. I already double check the cables and verify my NIC if it was working but to no avail. Right now, there is no wifisignal and signal strength LEDs are not lighting up. LAN LED will not light if it is connected to the computer regardless if I assign an IP or dynamic IP.


I have also tried hard reset...same result.

Should ask for waranty?



Thank you ahead!

1 Reply
Re:No wifi signal
2021-07-13 09:55:07


You can try a different computer. If LAN light still doesn't come on, I think LAN port is broken.



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Views: 197

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