[Bug report] Archer C4000 dlna server dpes not show files with long file names

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[Bug report] Archer C4000 dlna server dpes not show files with long file names

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[Bug report] Archer C4000 dlna server dpes not show files with long file names
[Bug report] Archer C4000 dlna server dpes not show files with long file names
2021-11-09 04:33:01
Model: Archer C4000  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

I noticed the media server on Archer C4000 was not showing some videos. Couldn't see what made these videos any different than others, except they have longer names. So I renamed them to shorter names and voila, they showed up and played fine.


The file names were not crazy long, like > 1024 chars or something. Maybe > 128? But something the media server should handle.



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