4 units of Archer AX 1500 into a daisy chain
I would like your assistance to daisy chain 4 units of Archer AX 10 from my modem. The distances from each unit is about 30 meters (2 units are on the 5/F floor, and another 2 units are on the 6/F)
1) Should the first AX10 connected via cat6 from my modem have a cat6 inserted into the WAN Port (of this 1st AX 10 unit named ALPHA. For purposes of this query, I will name the 4 AX 10 units as ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA).
2) Then should I insert from one of the LAN ports of the ALPHA, a cat6 cable and insert it into the WAN port of BRAVO.
3) Then should I insert from one of the LAN ports of the BRAVO, a cat6 cable and insert it into the WAN port of CHARLIE.
4) And should I insert from one of the LAN ports of the CHARLIE, a cat6 cable and insert it into the WAN port of DELTA.
5) And my final question is should I also configure the 4 AX 10 units into AP modes?
Your guidance is very much appreciated.
Thank you,