Outdoor deco

Outdoor deco

Outdoor deco
Outdoor deco
2023-12-31 13:29:29 - last edited 2024-01-02 02:57:37

I live rural and have Starlink satellite internet. 

live in 3 bed, stone built old house. 

have deco x20 with 3 units. Main unit is in lounge, 2nd unit is in hall so ground floor is covered and bedroom above lounge. 

3rd unit is in a stone built outhouse that has become an office. It gets wifi, but it's not great! 

would an outdoor deco be better for outside office or not? 

between main unit in lounge and unit 3 in office is approx 10 meters but through 2 brick walls. 

any advice is appreciated on how I can improve wifi in office


cheers mojo123



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