Wi-Fi Calling not working

Released On: 2022-10-11 10:33:53Last update time: 2022-10-11 10:39:50

If you're having trouble using Wi-Fi Calling on Deco, the following suggestions would help.

Firstly, Some typical problem descriptions:

1. If I connect with the internet provider router, it works perfectly, but I couldn't make wi-fi calls when connecting to Deco.

2. Every time I get a call or make a call whilst using WiFi calling the call drops out after a couple of seconds same for the rest of the family.

3. The call won't switch to WiFi calling from cellular and it will drop the call when it tries to switch.

4. The outbound voice on my WiFi calls would become garbled and unintelligible periodically for several minutes at a time.

So basically, there are two types of feedback: Wi-Fi Calling either doesn't work or The connection quality of Wi-Fi Calling is poor/intermittent.




I.Wi-Fi Calling doesn't work at all.

It is more related to the network configuration and some settings might have been missed when using Wi-Fi Calling.

Step 1. Enable Wi-Fi Calling on smartphones.

Step 2. Disable SIP ALG on Deco APP>More>Advanced>NAT Forwarding.

Step 3. Reserve the IP Address for the Smartphone on Deco APP>More>Advanced>Address Reservation.

Step 4. Enable Port forwarding for UDP port 500 (IKE2) and port 4500 (IPsec Nat Traversal) on Deco APP>More>Advanced>NAT Forwarding>Port Forwarding.

Step 5. Turn off "Mesh Technology" for the Smartphone on Deco APP.

Step 6. Turn off "Fast roaming" and "Beamforming" under Deco APP>More>Advanced.

Step 7. Contact us

The above-mentioned methods are good enough to fix most WiFi Calling issues on smartphones but if you still had a problem, please email us with the following details:

1. Does WiFi Calling work with another wireless network?

2. The ISP that provides Wi-Fi calling.

3. Phone model and OS. (Test with different Android and IOS phones if possible)

4. Some details of the problem, such as the Wi-Fi calling icon not displaying, or not being able to dial on Wi-Fi?




II.Wi-Fi Calling is intermittent with the Mesh network.

You might observe different behaviors when making calls, and it would be very useful to note down more details on Wi-Fi calling for further assistance.

The following troubleshooting suggestion would help:

Step 1. Turn off "Mesh Technology" for the Smartphone on Deco APP.

Step 2. Turn off "Fast roaming" and "Beamforming" under Deco APP>More>Advanced.

Step 3. Temporarily unplug the satellite Mesh nodes and leave the main Deco only.

Step 4. Enable the guest network for 2.4ghz only and test the WiFi Calling on the smartphone again.

Step5: Contact us.

Please let us know if any of the above suggestions worked and if not, please feel free to email us with the following details:

1. A picture of your Network layout/topology.

2. The ISP that provides Wi-Fi calling.

3. Phone model and OS. (Test with different Android and IOS phones if possible)

4. Some details you have noticed during the intermittent connection on WiFi Calling.






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