TL-WPA4220KIT wifi errors when connecting a macbookpro
I have using TL-WPA4220KIT with a MACBOOKPRO 2017 using WIFI with no issues for about 1 year. However, now I can cannot connect wireless to the WPA4220. After restarting the macbook pro it connects but with no Internet navigation. Sometimes, I get to connect but then disconnects again after a few minutes and I cannot connect until I restart the macbook pro but the connection is not stable at all.
I have tried to reset both the home and the wireless plc and configure again, clonning and without clonning the main router connection but it keeps withe the same problem
Rest of the mobiles and ipads connect properly to the wireless plc so It must by something related with the macbook pro and the WPA4220. On the other hand, the macbook pro can connect properly to other wifis with no issues so I think I cannot be something related with the macbook. I have also tried with another WPA4220
I would appreciate any help.