External Antenna - will it help?
I'm looking at the possibility of getting an external antenna for my MR600 and needs some help from those who have more knowledge than me on this.
My dad had phone line broadband but was only getting 4 meg, so i've switched him over to the MR600, already working better he's getting between 10 and 20 meg.
I did some tests before making the switch as follows:
1. used my samsung galaxy S20+ on EE to test signal strength at the proposed router location (upstairs window ledge) and do some speed tests. 30-40 meg, great
2. Ordered a three 'test' mobile sim put it in my phone and did the same tests as above. same results, great.
(Three assured me the data connection is the same between mobile phone and mobile data sims to the mast)
3. Ordered the MR600 and Three data sim. Only getting 10-20 meg.
I have 1-2 bars of signal strength on top of the router. I don't have the mobile connection stats to hand as i write this, but i do remember the signal looked quite weak.
I know i'm connecting on bands 3 and 20 on the MR600, i'm assuming its the same on my phone being a rural location but can't be certain.
Since i have tested with my mobile which got very strong signal strength, would a high gain antenna fix my problem?
Any advice would be much appreciated.