How to set up an VR600 as a WiFi Access Point
I bought the VR600 from Currys/PC World in the UK to use to extend the reach of my WiFi and replace a TP-Link Nano router that has insufficient throughput. The VR600 looked as if it were as suitable as any other from the blurb on the box.
I have it connected to my PlusNet router by cable between LAN ports. Its IP is set to Using a laptop connected by WiFi to the main router I can access the VR600. The VR600 cannot 'see' the Internet. NAT and DHCP are both off. What does it need to 'see' the Internet when connection from the primary router is working?
I have 'updated' the firmware from v0074.6 Build 170504 Rel 68210n
to the 'latest',
0.2.0 0.9.1 v0074.0 Build 170504 Rel.68210n
which looks like a downgrade.
In my checks on your site I see that there are routers that do 'Access Point' as a selectable option. This is not obvious until you start looking for help.
David Ledger - Retired Unix SysAdmin