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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-19 13:17:57
The 3 options of the Anti-Virus feature on the C4000 A20 WiFi router's
I have a TPLINK C4000 A20 WiFi router installed and running smoothly for nearly 2 months now (since Oct-20). As things have stabilized I started to try out some of the more advanced features....
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-19 13:04:59
Re:Meaning of the 2 PING parameters from TPLINK A20 firewall
OK, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge and expertise. More power to you and your team!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-19 07:11:32
Re:Meaning of the 2 PING parameters from TPLINK A20 firewall
Thank you Ivaylo! much appreciated. But with that answered, may I ask the follow-up questions: (1) On the LAN side, which I believe I can "control" to the extent that this is just a "family LAN" in 3...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-18 18:23:06
Meaning of the 2 PING parameters from TPLINK A20 firewall
Sir/Madam, I enabled the firewall on my TPLINK C4000 A20 WiFi router. So far so far so good, i.e., everything that used to work before is still working fine. However, I do not understand the 3...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-18 18:09:23
Re:Archer C4000 Traffic monitoring graph for Daily usage not working properly
My sincerest thanks for your timely assistance. After waiting more than a week to be absolutely sure, I confirm that I am getting a full week's data as long as I do not reboot the router during the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-11 13:41:56
Re:Archer C4000 Traffic monitoring graph for Daily usage not working properly
Hello, Thanks for your prompt reply -- I had actually posted something identical a few hours ago, and got some replies which were very helpful. I commented on this one just to confirm that I am...