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Forums/ Access Points
2014-04-12 23:51:25
Re:Ping times are far too high in a PTP conection with 2 WA7210N
Lo del DHCP no trae ningun problema... Insisto en lo que te digo porque esta en modo Cliente. Se lo que hago. No se si hay que resetearlo a los valores de fabrica (cosa que no hice) y volverlo a...
Forums/ Access Points
2014-04-12 21:58:20
Re:Ping times are far too high in a PTP conection with 2 WA7210N
Sorry I'll write this down in spanish as i can express me better in my motherlanguage. I presume fotodamaris can spanish too, since his/her profile states Mexico as location. Tengo: AP TP-Link...
Forums/ Access Points
2014-04-12 11:05:34
Re:Ping times are far too high in a PTP conection with 2 WA7210N
fotodamaris wrote this is wrong in Client mode it does not irradiates SSID, are you sure you are using Client and not AP Client Router see picture I hope not to duplicate my reply since I can't see...
Forums/ Access Points
2014-04-12 03:15:08
Re:Ping times are far too high in a PTP conection with 2 WA7210N
fotodamaris wrote this is wrong in Client mode it does not irradiates SSID, are you sure you are using Client and not AP Client Router Positively sure it does... It did it with previous firmware and...
Forums/ Access Points
2014-04-11 13:20:40
Ping times are far too high in a PTP conection with 2 WA7210N
Region : Argentina Model : TL-WA901ND Hardware Version : V3 Firmware Version : 3.18.0 Build 131118 Rel.58328n ISP : Itc Hello. I recently purchased theese AP since the old model were relatively good...