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Forums/ Deco
2024-11-26 18:34:25
Re:Deco BE65_V2_1.1.0 Supports WireGuard VPN, Channel Selection and More
@David-TP will the channel selection function be added to x50 v1?
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-23 06:52:25
Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
@David-TP Hi. David. Why are you silent in response to my request. I can send more screenshots. Can you open a ticket?
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-21 18:48:14
Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
@David-TP Hi David. QOS/Scene QOS not working. Why when XBOX is limited it still loads at high speed. My laptop with HI PRIORITY on option lags when streaming games. CPU usage is over 99%
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-25 08:21:21
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.1 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@David-TP Hi David.I bought a new X50 v1 and updated it to 1.5.3 from x55 USA SITE. Is this wrong? Although at first glance everything works fine. And another question. When will the firmware for X20...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-28 08:41:25
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.1 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@David-TP I just got a call from the service center. They said the router can't be repaired. The router is under warranty. Now I don't know what to do. How can I get a new one. Shouldn't the service...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-28 06:13:10
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.1 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@David-TP Hi, nice to see you again. Did a factory reset on Deco X50(hold the reset pinhole for 1s only) make any difference? Yes. no difference . Please also try to switch to another power socket(or...