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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-02 17:35:29
Re:Add local DNS server to ER605
@Ataboy This request was posted over a year and a half ago and this past January you led us to believe you were working on an implementation for Local DNS server. Now in June you give us this post...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-20 18:24:38
Re:Username / password changed after firmware update ( 2.12 > 2.14 )
Hi all, It seems that after the firmware update, the router got adopted to the cloud. I did not ask for this, but now i know this i could continue. Thanks all!
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-18 10:39:44
Re:Username / password changed after firmware update ( 2.12 > 2.14 )
@Clive_A Thanks again for your reply! Could you tell me what has been changed regarding the authentication in this beta firmware? I dont know how, but ive got a message that "special characters" are...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-18 07:51:11
Re:Username / password changed after firmware update ( 2.12 > 2.14 )
@Clive_A Hi Clive, I havent reset the router. The last time that i've logged in was last week ( before / during the firmware update ). I find it quite strange also. The way I fill in the password is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-18 07:08:35
Re:Username / password changed after firmware update ( 2.12 > 2.14 )
@Clive_A Hi Clive, Thanks again for your super swift reply. That i forgot my password is impossible, since im using Keepass for my passwords. I also havent changed the password of the router ever...
Forums/ Routers
2023-09-18 06:56:00
Re:Username / password changed after firmware update ( 2.12 > 2.14 )
@Clive_A Thanks for the reply. Yet, this is not the solution. I,ve tried a completely new browser ( Chrome ) in either in-private as normal. Also Edge ( either in-private as normal ). Sidenote: im...