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Forums/ Deco
2023-01-28 17:14:40
Re:No ip for devices in wifi 2.4G
Ok thank i tried but not solve... I also try to change name of device in Deco App...identical of name of shelly but no ip And last ... every Shelly has fixed ip, but not help Good weekend Hispa
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-27 22:19:37
Signal wifi 2.4GHz...X20 vs X50
Between the Deco X20 and Deco X50 apart the wifi 5 GHz 1201 Mbps vs 5 GHz: 2402 Mbps as coverage and signal strength for the 2.4G wifi there is a difference between the two devices ??? I ask because...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-27 14:53:15
Re:Deco Beta firmware release date
@xplodzs Thank but PLS v.4 model !!! Hispa
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-27 09:51:26
New firmware for Deco X20 when ??
When is up new firmware V1-1.1.0 also for Deco X20 (v.4) to have new features also for our Deco Thank Hispa
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-27 06:58:36
No ip for devices in wifi 2.4G
I have a lot of smart devices Shelly in wifi 2.4G, but some of these not show ip also is these device have fixed ip set on the device... and and of course they have connection problems. So some...
Forums/ Deco
2022-12-27 08:02:13
Re:Big house, advice on Deco X-20 or...
@Heidi_Alp Thank mate... ok 2 x20 more solve. But regarding higher model x50 is similar to x2.... So pheraps x60 get more step in Features or i am wrong? But x50 or x60 gain more speed respect x20 or...