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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-12-27 05:48:31
Re:Archer AX55 Fimrware Upgrade to 1.1.5 cannot connect to server
The firmware upgrade finally came through today (12/26). It appears that the auto-prompt to upgrade was accidentally pushed two weeks ahead of the actual firmware release.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-12-23 19:24:38
Archer AX55 Fimrware Upgrade to 1.1.5 cannot connect to server
Upgrading the Firmware on Archer AX55 from "1.1.1 Build 20220621 rel.71166(5553)" to "1.1.5 Build 20221105 rel.1354" is repeatedly failing to connect to server, with error stating "Unable to connect...