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Forums/ WiFi
2023-08-10 10:08:15
Re:Query client RSSI for every AP
Hi @Clive_A thanks for delving into the issue! Honestly, I don't see how it's not enabling the smart action/scene. The quote you posted says directly that it can provide this data in real-time for...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-08-08 07:01:31
Re:Query client RSSI for every AP
[Sorry the form does not allow me to save external links] Sure! One example is the location analytics by Cisco Meraki documentation dot meraki dot com/MR/Monitoring_and_Reporting/Location_Analytics...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-08-07 17:44:15
Re:Query client RSSI for every AP
Hi @Clive_A , Thanks for the quick reply! I have some means of presence detection, but I figure the Wi-Fi signal analysis is still very useful for deciding which services should be available to a...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-08-06 12:00:12
Query client RSSI for every AP
Hi there, I'm planning to buy 3 access points EAP670 to use with the Omada Software Controller in a smart home setting. I'm looking to utilize the WiFi access points to complement the presence...