Powerline Adapters
2017-04-24 21:10:11
K so now tech support say it looks like it may be the MIMO feature causing the disconnections. They given me a tool to disable it, so if anyone else wants to try and post their results here please do...
Powerline Adapters
2017-04-01 08:55:05
K I've been sent an updated debug tool If anyone else is running these tests and emailing them to TP Link support here it is
Powerline Adapters
2017-03-23 08:58:27
Since I have this debug firmware I'll try that first, hopefully with it we can find a problem an TPLink can fix it. But what I find funny is that this debug software is buggy as hell!!!! As I said,...
Powerline Adapters
2017-03-19 06:29:20
I very much doubt it, if the PC goes to sleep so will the software. If you do have the same model with 3 ports, or even one with 2 ports, what you can do is add a laptop or second PC to the same plug...
Powerline Adapters
2017-03-14 07:27:14
K finally got a reply, it's a not a debug firmware, but rather a piece of software you run whilst you are on your PC Link is below You can use it, save the log then email tech support with it Maybe...
Powerline Adapters
2017-02-28 19:42:34
Hey Peter I think you issues will be the fact that the Network adaptor doesnt start back up after sleep. Go to your device manager and network properties, and then select the Power Management tab,...