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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2024-10-19 11:18:57
Re:Tapo P110M (UK) NO Energy Monitoring with SmartThings hub Matter 1.3
@Didier_Smarthom Yes please 1000% but... as you have highlighted in your post (link below) that they have not committed 100% in promising what these devices should do...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-19 07:06:08
RE:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
I just received this from support: ------------------------- I am not able to 100% confirm Tapo P110M at some point will get a firmware update to enable power monitoring over matter. Because the R&D...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-15 14:11:43
RE:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
@jfilipelcarvalh Yes - I do that today, its very easy. Just set it up in HA and then "share" the number (then copy/paste it) into Smart things and it works in both HA and Smartthings at the same...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-15 12:32:08
Re:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
I opened a ticket to ask about this, this is what they said.... Thank you for contacting TP-Link support. Currently, we need to wait for other Matter third-party apps to complete their adaptations...