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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-19 10:12:40
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
@David-TP David - link to video of the issue that I'm having. When you've viewed it etc, let me know as I'll take it down for privacy reasons. Thanks
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-19 09:33:44
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
@David-TP I tried to add a video to the support email but it didn't seem to work. Happy to provide a link here to a google photos upload of the video if that helps? App log sent; though last time...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-13 12:10:04
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
@ImtiazAli no, not on the beta. Maybe it's approved for my phone (pixel 7a) or my region (UK) earlier than other areas?
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-13 11:42:26
Re:Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
@ImtiazAli 3.7.25 for me, rolled to my phone last week and on about 3rd April to the app store. Had no issues on 3.7.16 I don't think other than the inability to reliable create new connection alerts.
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-12 14:23:52
Deco app on Android not issuing alerts?
Apparently coinciding with the 3rd April update to the Deco app on Android, I am no longer receiving "connected device" alerts. Notificaitons are fully turned on on the phone, and I only have one...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-12 14:18:36
Re:Known Device Alerts - fails to save
@David-TP I went through the official support route and all they could do was send me guides for how to create an alert, and seemingly ignored the actual issue I was having. The issue persists, I...