Omada SDN - what are missing functionalities?
Omada SDN - what are missing functionalities?
Hi All,
I was wondering what - in your opinion - are most missing functionalities and/or BUGs?
What have you observed since you've bought you Omada device(s)?
I have a few quick-pins here:
- Displaying of MAC-IP binding list (sic!...) - it is not possible from omada mgmnt screen
- ACL rules cannot be time related (this is absulutely f*** up). You can define time ranges which are useless...
- You can check if firmware is up to date only from mobile app (that made me laugh). from OC200 you can only upload firmware
- It happens that there is IP conflict between router and switch and the only solution is to restore whole Omada config as switch becomes unaccessable (this is a REAL f*** up)
- It is not that easy to make DHCP reservation for Omada devices as usually when changing from default values WHOLE setup blows up...
Please add yours!
My Omada HW:
- OC200
- TL-R605
- TL-SG2008P
- EAP660HD