Dynamic VLAN on the same SSID (Multiple PSK)
Hi everyone,
so I'm completely amazed by a Fortinet feature which I want to suggest here:
Multiple passwords per SSID - Each password may map to a different VLAN.
Disclaimer for everyone finding this in google or wherever:
There already is "dynamic VLAN" support in the Omada Controller, but it requires WPA2-Enterprise and a Radius server, from what I've gathered so far.
Since this is not always possible and wanted, I create this suggestion.
How might work for Omada
- You create an SSID and select WPA2-Personal and enable "Multiple Pre-Shared Keys".
- You set the VLAN Groups.*
- You add PSKs to the VLAN Groups.*
- When a user connects to the SSID, any of the defined passwords will work. Depending on the VLAN Group of the used password, the corresponding VLAN will be mapped to this client.
*See my screenshots at the Imgur link below for more details.
How it works with Fortinet
I have created some screenshots here:
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