Omada controller 5.x.x DTIM setting?
We have a number of Omada WiFi networks under our management, most all are using OC200 controllers. For one client they are having a very high amount of association timeout errors. I've read that adjusting the DTIM from 1 to 3 can often help with this.
However, I am not able to find this setting under the 5.x.x version of the controller. I've looked everywhere- and focused on the Advanced settings under Edit Wireless Network (which is where the TP-Link FAQ says it should be).
I've looked at both the local web gui for the OC200 as well as through the Omada Cloud management. The controller in question is running 5.7.6 but I've also looked at other controllers running 5.0.30. Neither have a DTIM option.
Was this removed in the 5.x version of the OC200 fimware? Or is it located somewhere else that I haven't been able to find?