AP EAP670 v1.0 disconnecting after adoption and provisioning
I wanted to choose TL-SG2016P but this was not on the list.
I have a set up with working VLANs and I defined port 7 as all available VLANs.
This port should have an Access Point EAP670 attached.
Before connecting the AP to the port I had to configure it with all the available VLANs and I defined the management VLAN as one of the VLANs I connect to.
When I start the Omaga controller it finds the AP and prompts me for adoption. I can can the IP range and I see the AP on
This works find and the controller starts to provision the AP.
This also works fine and then the controller starts to configure the AP.
During this I have access and internet on all defined WLANs available on the AP.
But then after 2-3 minuts the AP is disconnected and the SSIDs disapear and the blue light on the AP starts blinking (loong blinks).
The AP never comes back om again. I can´t see the IP address in a scan anymore.
Please help!