Common Networking Terminology and Abbreviation

Common Networking Terminology and Abbreviation

Common Networking Terminology and Abbreviation
Common Networking Terminology and Abbreviation
2024-03-28 06:01:09 - last edited 2024-05-20 08:19:55



We hope this brief chart can show you the abbreviation of the network terms.


This Article Applies to:


All TP-Link(Omada) models


Common Terms:

TS Troubleshooting  

Knowledge Base

CG Configuration Guide  
PR Pre-Release  
ISP Internet Service Provider  
GW Gateway  
SW Switch  
VER Version  
FW Firmware / Firewall  
HW Hardware  
SWC Software Controller  
CBC Cloud-Based Controller  

Software Defined Networking Controller (AKA Omada Controller)

OC Omada Controller  
QoS Quality of Service  
LAN Local Area Network  
WAN Wide Area Network  
VPN Virtual Private Network  
WG WireGuard VPN  
P2P Peer-to-Peer / Point to Point  
S2S Site to Site  
C2S Client to Site  
NAT Network Address Translation  
SRC Source  
DST Destination  
DNS Domain Name System  
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System  

Multicast DNS

TCP Transmission Control Protocol  
UDP User Datagram Protocol  
SMB Server Message Block  
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol  
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network  
VLAN Int VLAN Interface  
OSPF Open Shortest Path First  
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol  
STP Spanning Tree Protocol  
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol  
PBR Policy Based Routing (AKA Policy Routing)  
LB Load Balance  
DPI Deep Packet Inspection  
IDS Intrusion Detection Systems  
IPS Intrusion Prevention Systems  
NIC Network Interface Card(Controller)  
RST Reset  
CMD Command Prompt  
CLI Command-line Interface  
Sys System  
Int Interface  


Update Log:


Mar 28th, 2024:

Release of this KB.


Recommended Threads:


Howto - A Guide to Use Forum Effectively. Read Before You Post.

Common Questions About the Hardware Version and Firmware Update

Troubleshooting Techniques for Laymen




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Best Regards! If you are new to the forum, please read: Howto - A Guide to Use Forum Effectively. Read Before You Post. Look for a model? Search your model NOW Official and Beta firmware. NEW features! Subscribe for the latest update!Download Beta Here☚ ☛ ★ Configuration Guide ★ ☚ ☛ ★ Knowledge Base ★ ☚ ☛ ★ Troubleshooting Manual ★ ☚ (Disclaimer: Short links are used above solely for guidance to TP-Link subdomains and are safe and tracker-free. Exercise caution with short links from non-official members on forums. We are not liable for external content or damage from non-official members' link use.)


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