How to Backup Settings on Omada Router, Switch and Controller

How to Backup Settings on Omada Router, Switch and Controller

How to Backup Settings on Omada Router, Switch and Controller
How to Backup Settings on Omada Router, Switch and Controller
2024-04-10 03:07:43 - last edited 2024-05-23 02:40:50

The topic was originally posted by Clive_A in How to Backup Settings on Omada Router, Switch and Controller



Guide on how to export the backup for Omada devices.


This Article Applies to:


All TP-Link Omada devices.


Export Backup:


1. Omada Router


1. Log in to your Omada router.

2. Go to System Tools > Backup & Restore > Backup.



2. Omada Switch



1. Log in to your Omada switch.

2. Go to System > System Tools > Backup Config > select your target unit and Export.



3. Omada Controller


1. Go to Omada Controller page.

2. Organization as Global View.

3. Click Settings > Maintenance > Backup.

4. Set Settings Only and Export to Local File. And click Export. The backup .cfg will be exported to the local path.





1. Controller backup will contain the whole controller settings. You can keep user information in the backup as well.

2. Controller backup, when you are accessing the controller backup from our Omada cloud platform(subdomain:, your Export to Local File is not available.



Update Log:


Arp 12th, 2024:

Typo fix.


Apr 10th, 2024:

Release of this KB.


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