Blocked device
in iOS Omada app I've block device to connect internet and after unblock device can't get IP address from DHCP. I can't reach any settings from Omada web gui to allow device work correctly. Device Omada takes as unlocked. Is there any solution for this problem? I have snapshot of OC server, but the recovery this way is not correct.
It's insane when I need block device temporary blocked and I'm pushed the button and it's permanently. Button does not inform about this, firewall policies are hidden...
Tested scenarios:
- device is in Omada not blocked
- delete and add new entry is not working
- if I plug to same cable another device everything working fine
- when I connect device to another DHCP server, device get IP address correctly and connect to internet correctly too
- if I plug cable from Omada, device get address with mask and GW
- when I set up IP correct settings manually, can't reach network, router and internet
Thanks a lot.