CPE210 ethernet drop out to Cisco 3750X Switch
I have a pair of CPE210s that we will be deploying to replace a pair of failed Ubiquiti M500 bridges, on 2.4 Ghz. One is working as expected, with no issues. The second one works fine on a dumb switch (for testing), but seems to reandomly (every 2 minutes or so) drop the ethernet connect to the 3750X switch. When I swap the 2, the problem goes away. I think the ethernet port on the CPE210 is failing. Here is the setup:
Cisco 3750X -> PoE Injector -> CPE210#1 --> wireless <-- CPE210#2 <- PoE Injector <- dumb gig switch -- test laptop
If I swap just the CPE210s, the problem goes away. Neither CPE has this issue on the dumb switch. The cisco 3750X shows no packet errors in the logs.
Am I missing something or do I have a bad unit? These were just purchased and are in testing before depolyment. The locations for these have Cisco 3750 switches on site.