CPE710 Disconnection and weak transmit power
I keep getting disconnetions every few minutes, it varies by time of day sometimes it will hold up for 5 or 6 hrs before dropping other times only 30 seconds, the transmit negoitiated rate varies wildly from 866 to 100. The transmit power has a max of 10 but on youtube video others have their sliders up to 23 trnasmit power. The distance is about 300m in a heavy residential area of skyscrapers it is set up as locked to MAC and AP mode on one side, client on the other. Both antenna set to 23db. It seem the only channels avaialble are in the DFS range 5500 to 5640 and width is set as 20/40/80.
Is there a way to increase the transmit power or choose a channel that is not DFS to try?